
Website performance, security and availability under heavy load is always a challenge for any web developer. We try hard to optimize our code, database queries and assets but it is never sure whether the website will work fine in production environment against a lot of requests. Load Balancer can help to improve availability but certainly we need more than just load balancer for better security, caching and asset optimization. Here comes our popular thing called CDN(Content Delivery Network). I am sure some of you might have used it already if not you might be aware about this name.


In last article we learnt to prepare our git collaboration before implementing CI/CD. In this article we will learn how to setup CI/CD with AWS. We can also use AWS codeCommit instead of Github but we will use Github for simplicity in this article. Flow of the deployment will go like below:
Dev Team -> Git Commit -> Codepipeline prepare build -> CodeDeploy pushes changes to EC2 server


We believe or not mobile applications are growing at the pace of a rocket and web development is becoming more complex and time consuming. Mobile app developers are churning real money with this growing trend. You also want to join the party but don’t want to learn new programming language? Keep reading this article to get more information.


We don’t care much about application architecture initially in our career because as a fresher web developer, most of the projects we get are not that large and often hosted on shared servers. But it is always a dream to work on a fairly large project where these architectural things become more relevant. Generally in smaller companies you have to wear multiple hats from web development, server setup to deployment and even plan the architecture otherwise you might get in trouble in project projects.


Object Oriented Programming is a very important concept and is a popular way to manage your project code. Most of the new programmers remember the theoretical part of OOP but can’t relate all the important concepts in real programming. This article is about those programmers who don’t understand OOP in their code.


Web server setup and configuration is specially a task of system admin but as a web developer in smaller companies often developers have to do all work from website development to server setup and deployment. Mainly, we have options to choose a shared hosting server or cloud server provider but for more control cloud hosting is preferred. We have Digital Ocean and Amazon web services (AWS) which provided cloud services but we will focus on AWS EC2 because of its popularity in website deployment.


This article is particularly for the new developers who just started using git. I am assuming you already know basic usage of git. Most of the new users of git, think git and github is same thing and we need github or any other websites like bitbucket, gitlab account is necessary to use git. We often use git term for github or bitbucket which is neither absolutely wrong nor exactly right but a shortcut to save time in communication.  Let’s understand what exactly these from basic level are:


Kotlin is the new Java in android development and now google has officially announced it as a main programming language for android mobile applications. If you are an android developer then you should already have started Kotlin for all your application development. If you have not started, here are some reasons to start today:


As a programmer we do coding on daily basis and there are some unfortunate cases when we stuck in some messed code and there is not idea what went wrong. Checking changes line by line is time consuming and sometimes not possible. In these situations version control tools like github comes very handy and blessings for programmers.

Today, I will talk about how github can be your best friend and life saver on daily basis. Let’s start here:

